Site announcements

Fair Use Policy

de Admin User -

1. Please do not upload copy-righted material.

2. Files larger than 2MB, can be included as links.

3. Protect yours and respect other's privacy.

4. Content that solicits regarding any non-academic activity will be disabled without warning. Repeated instances may lead to banning such user.

Registration of Options for Semester IV and VI

de Admin User -

Registration of Options (GE/SEC/VAC/DSE/DC-III) for Semester-IV and Semester-VI (January to May 2025) is open now. Please pay attention to the Limited Seats Policy for SEC and VAC courses as in previous Semesters. The Link will remain open till 18-January-2025 midnight. Students can use their Login Credentials as set by them earlier, or register using OTP on their registered email.

Internal Assessment and CA for Semester I (August-December 2024-25)

de Admin User -

Please check the award at

and report any discrepancy latest by 4:00 PM of December 10, 2024 to the Academic Office (Room No. 18) on the Format available there.

Please check your Attendance in the "Documentation" tab at before raising an issue with the Academic Office about award of Attendance Marks

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